Bobby Challenger Thomas has designed, shaped and manufactured thousands upon thousands of surfboards since 1957.
Bobby is a surfing pioneer, 60’s surfboard industry icon, surfing champion and a living legend. Bobby’s aggressive attitude, designs, models, higher standard of quality, coupled with his colorful Surfer advertising campaign made Challenger Surfboards of San Diego California known world wide.
Today, surfboards personally designed, shaped or manufactured by Bobby are collectibles VALUED at thousands of US Dollars. Now collectors, veteran surfers, and new surfers alike can enjoy the legacy and ride of this NEW & UNIQUE collection of designs that span over four decades.
KEY: O= Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 7′ 10″
Width: 22″ 7/8
Thickness: 2″1/2
This was a rare find from Smiley Dan, an all original Platypus Model Challenger. 9.5 Condition, with a tint, resin splash T-Drop bottom. Matching Wave-Set Fin. This was a wall hanger in Dan’s home for many years. His kids were crying as I drove off the front lawn. Cool late 60’s Art Piece. I am seeking any clean 70’s Challenger’s that are out there. Please advise if you have any leads. (o) 9.5/10

I might have one of these. Who can I contact to authenticate?
My husband use to surf for Challenger in San Diego in the 70,s. I’m looking for a Xmas gift for him. Anyone have any vintage decals or shirts, etc.