BK Hawaii
People have been riding waves at Sunset Beach longer than at any other spot on Oahu’s North Shore. Names have come and gone, but through the years, one man created the benchmark by which all others are measured. Barry Kanaiaupuni rode unconventional equipment and became the first radical surfer at a time when others were still trying to merely survive. At arguably the most difficult wave in the world, there is little discrepancy over supremacy – Sunset belongs to BK.
KEY: O= Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 7′ 7″
Width: 18″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″7/8
BK Inspired 1970’s hawaiian mini-gun. Sleek red pigment top and bottom. Classic wood fiberglass brewer style fin. Note the positioning of this fin in relation to the tip of the tail. For those hard off the bottom turns at sunset or pipe. Yellow rail bolts. All original and a great representation of what was ridden on the North Shore in the 70’s. (o) 7/10

Length: 6′ 4″
Width: 20″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
Purchased this on Ebay few years back. Board was located on the North Shore. 1970’s pig shape for BK standards. Cool Blue / yellow tint. Not the most collectable BK, but different. I would consider selling it. make me an offer! All original with some minor dings repaired. (o) 7.5/10.

Length: 8’6″
This was Barry’s personal board that he hand shaped and glassed himself. It was meant to have a smoke black tint bottom, but failure to strain the black pigment resulted in a unique black spotted bottom and lap. The black flaked over to the top causing an interesting peppering of the yellow tint inlay. Oversized deck Bolt and tight pulled in swallow tail with black glass on single fin. This board I purchased out of Randy R. Hawaiian Surf Vintage Auction 2007. This board has be totally restored to its original condition as stated above. Bitchen. (R) 9/10.

Length: 7’5″
Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
This is a cool early 70’s BK Bat Tail Bolt. This board has also been totaly restored by Randy R. Original fin, cool rail bolts. Check out the BAT TAIL! In speaking with BK, he only made a few of these back in the day. Rare piece of shape history here. (R) 10/10.
Clay Aloysius White
Looking for my father, I have lived in California all my life born and raised in Malibu, and Santa Monica. My father used to shape boards for BK back in the 60’s, however I have never met him or seen him. My father name was Barry Napolean and through the years I have tried to ask my mother about him but have not gotten anywhere. You see my mother was 19 and Barry was 35 on my birth certificate. At the time she was very young and innocent of the ways of the world. At the time I believe Barry was married at the time and it was a brief affair,and the result of this affair was me.Now I am not trying to stir up any trouble for anyone, however it would be nice to find someone who might have known my dad. I am 49 now and some sort of closure to knowing my dad, who he was would be appreciated. I do have a birth certificate with his name on it, along with the blood bank of Hawaii certificate of my blood type. The director of the blood bank at the time his signature reads F. J. Pinkerton M.D. The address on this certificate also reads Honolulu 13, Hawaii if this place still exists and the date of this record is January 25th 1964. Who ever receives this message can you please contact me at my e-mail chezclay133@yahoo.com it would much appreciated. My father also had a brother I believe and his name was Nathan. I believe both have passed on but I also believe I have family on the islands somewhere that probably don’t even know I exist!!! I’m not trying to make waves, no pun intended but it would be nice to find the truth.
Thank you for your time Clay Aloysius White
I have a Barry kanaiupuni 6/6 tri fin board in pretty good condition was wondering what it’s worth
Did BK ever shape for “Oregon Surfboards”