David Nu’uhiwa
“David Nu’uhiwa reached a level of fame few surfers can imagine. Whether it was his smooth styling in the waters of Waikiki in the 50’s, his mastery of noseriding in the 60s, or his aggressive transition to the new shortboard in the 70’s one thing is certain he was always leading the pack and taking the rest of us along for the ride. The 80’s and 90’s saw the rebirth of longboarding and again out in front was David Nu’uhiwa developing new designs in longboards and winning contests showing us how it is done with style and grace. His career and life as a surfer has covered a broad range of development and changes but he has always stayed close to the soul side of surfing and shared this sense of aloha openly.”
KEY: O= Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 5′ 8″
Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
This board is a true classic keel twin fin hand shaped by Nu’uhiwa in 1978. A lot of volume throughout the entire board makes it meaty but also very fast. This board had an artsy signature Nu’uhiwa bird logo airbrushed onto the triple stringer blank. It was most likely shaped out of a longboard blank. It has a slight vee bottom with no concave and is very flat throughout. The fin has an old school leash hole as well as a leash plug on the deck, which was added later.
O – 6/10

Length: 6′ 4″
Width: 20″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 1/4
This is a late 1970’s keel twin fin fish. It has a incredible fin set up, with green glass on fins that have a wooden inlay within. Another interesting vintage feature of this board is the bottom leash plug, which was an experimental idea in this era. Faded airbrush and pin-line design on the deck, this board is truly a vintage piece. It is wide in the tail as well as wide in the nose with the sweet spot lying just above the front foot.
O – 6/10

Length: 6′ 8″
Width: 19″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
This classic DYNO diamond tail was hand shaped in the late 1970’s. The intricate Nu’uhiwa logo is uniquely airbrushed from nose to tail in dark paint contrasting the blood red/orange pin-lined rails, nose and tail. A slight vee bottom accompanies the slight nose rocker for an overall thick, flat shape.
O – 8/10

Length: 6′ 10″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 1/8

Length: 7′ 2″
Width: 19″ 1/4
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
This is a vintage 1978 diamond tail single fin. The bottom has a green tint, which wraps the rails to the top stopping at a black pin-line that trails all around the outline. It is a simple board for the time, nothing to fancy or experimental. Bought from the Leo Nordine Collection.
O – 8/10
Amber Davis
Mrs. Davidnuuhiwa (Jan)
Please, if you collect and are informed you would know David has never shaped a day in his life. Great surfer no doubt, but wouldn’t know which end of a planer is up. The boards were probably Terry Martin, possibly Bruce Jones, or a small handful of other talented H.B. shapers out of the Dyno shop. C’mon man, the first thing i read on a new website and…. dooohhhh. No offense, just a little research please.
Check your resources. As David is still shaping today. I did not make any reference did I in my Blog that he personally handshaped the boards in my collection? The Surfcraft actually may. But regardless, I have personally spoken to David about shaping me some relica’s for my collection. Feel free to visit his website and contact him and dispute the claim he has never shaped and or laid his hands on a plainer. I am curious to know how he reply’s to you. Buggs
Hey Buggs surf4ever is right. Anybody who Knows David will tell you the same.And he is a great guy And I am a resource.
I love you david!!!! we are at the hotel motel now! just getting filmed! But your awesome!! 😀
This is the coolest website!!! I’m really excited to check up on it!
Hey its adara reach me at rxy010chick@yahoo.com on facebook! send me the pictures!!! 😛 sweet
heyy ! mysace= marisssaluvsyou1@myspace.com
Motel No tell ! kickk ass !
Aloha, this site is very impressive, love the boards, please contact us , Mrs. David Nuuhiwa (714 345 4987)