Donald Takayama
At 65, Donald Takayama is still going strong. He started his career of making boards at age 11, became a shaper, surfer and still proves to be the master of style and technique. Takayama discusses his board designs, quality, and craftsmanship which led him to the aloha spirit of manufacturing. He muses over his innovations and high performance surfboards, and the reasons why he continues to create boards which he personally engineers from choice of wood on to the entire production process.
KEY: O=Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 6′ 8″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 7/8
1970’s M.T.B. Bolt Airbrush
Purchased this as a Art Piece for my house. But, I soon realized after my acquisition I have no more room in my house. I could not resist. All original, cool MTB Art Bolt Board. Either you like it or hate it, as there is a lot goin on here. Simplicity deck with center and rail bolts, yellow tint. You would never think this as an airbrush board when viewing it from the deck side. WOW!
(o) 8.5/10 USVA Auction Jim W.

Length: 6′ 4″
Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
1980’s DT Squash Tri-Fin with third center fin trailer box. The deck graphics grabbed me when I first layed my eyes on this. Ebay Purchase. But, once I received this board, I lost my interest. One of those purchases I acted on impulse and did not think it out before I acted. As you can see below, I already had a coool 80’s DT piece. I need intervention and self control when it comes to buying boards, you? Some of you can relate. Regardless, cool representation of that era with vibrant colors and shape design. Classic Dt Lam on bottom side. All original with some minor ding repairs. (o) 7.5/10

Length: 6′ 1″
Width: 20″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 3/4
This is a older addition to my collection, maybe 4 years back and I finally had it cleaned up. It came out clean and is a great example of a early 1970 fine craftsmanship of pin line and acid splash resin work. Slight S – Deck. Neat. Ebay Purchase (o) 8/10

Length: 6′ 0″
Width: 18″ 7/8
Thickness: 2″ 1/4
Cool early 80’s DT Twinnie . Unique winger swallow tail Twin. with red matching glassed-in fins. Appealing red tint spray top and bottom. Classic DT Bird Lam front and back. All original and bitchen. Cash Jack snag. (o) 8/10

Length: 5′ 10″
Width: 19″ 5/8
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
Well, well. Very cool DT Larry Bertlemann Model. It is interesting that DT placed his DT Lam along with the Bert – “Anything is Possible” Lams. I acquired this from my friend and Ex Longboard Champ, Dino Miranda out of Hawaii. This was Dino’s Vintage Twin Rider. All original, has some delam softness on the deck tail section. Otherwise, nice piece. (o) 7/10