Rick Rasmussen
The last world-class surfer to come out of the Big Apple was Rick Rasmussen in the seventies. He became known first for his bold tube riding at Pipeline, then for getting busted with a kilo of coke in Bali. He was eventually shot dead in the streets of Harlem in a deal gone bad.
KEY: O= Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 6′ 7″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 3″
True East Coast Collectable. Rare find and in excellent all original condition. A Rick Rasmussen 1970’s Hand Shaped Pintail. Red Pigment deck overlap with a resin black pin line. Very white foam bottom with very little sun UV exposure. Rick R. R.I.P.. I have seen one other Rick R, but not in this condition. Ricky charged Pipeline and will always be one of the most under rated East Coast Chargers out of NY. (o) 9. Acquired this from a East Coast Auction House in New York. Check out the Beach Permit Sticker at nose.
Dave Veal
Dave Veal
steve meyerowich
Neil H. Meyerowich
Kai Christensen
aal on Oahu
vincent d. mccall
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1758002578 Bob StVan
Lynn Chambers
Lynn Chambers
😎 Bitchin !!!!!!
Way cool
This guy sent me an email: – He is seeking a Rick Ras Surfboard. Anyone?
i am a cousin of his I knew his parents pretty well I never really knew him I remember a 10 page article about his shooting in the New Yorker. I grew up with a kid whose parents ran spanish harlem which i believe is where he got shot. They just got out of jail for heroin dealing after spending twenty five years. I guess we will never know. If there is anything i can get please let me know
McCuen Pools Inc
1181 S. Rogers Circle, Suite 14
Boca Raton,Fl 33487
How much is the surfboard? Is it even still for sale?
Hello!! This board is not for sale. It is apart of the Buggs Collection. Some other boards are for sale on the site. Pleae go to Buggs Classifieds and advise on others that may interest you. – Buggs
Hey Buggs
i am one of rickys cousins as well he def didnt spend 25 year in jail where are you gettin your facts from?
Hey Buggs, I know this was posted over a year ago but I am hoping my message gets to you. What is this guy, some kind of a moron? I am a REAL cousin of Rick’s. A 1st cousin, as well as a cousin of Steve’s. Rick had some pretty well documented issues but 25 years in jail you bozo? He was murdered at 27 years old. I guess he had a pretty incredible 1st 2 years of his life if that was true you idiot. Everyone in our family knows the tuth about Rick, that ain’t part of it. Whoever you are.
Will make the change, Got it off the WEB , as you know very limited info on Rick. Please post or send me a BIO and I can include for Rick on the blog and re-post it. info@surfboardline.com Will make the change. – B
I sold a Rick Rasmussen original on Kauai in 2008 at the Hanalei board swap. It was a about 6’2″ pin tail, yellow trim with a rainbow. It was a bit dinged up. I surfed it a few times just for fun but I had to sell several boards bcuz i was moving to the mainland. Good luck with your board search, I’ve never met anyone else that owned a Rasmussen. The guy who bought it was truly stoked and was one of not many people that actually knew who he was.
Aloha, Kaiguys
Rick went to my Highschool – Westhampton Beach. I always thought his life would make a very good movie in the right hands. Did you know that the guy who shot him during the deal was a West Point cadet home on leave. World class surfer gunned down in his prime by a West Pointer.! Just a deal gone bad, but, I think the story needs telling.
Submitted with respect and Aloha,
Well Iam that West Point cadet! I didn’t shoot Rick Rasmussen and if you thought that I did, you wouldn’t be so stupid as to say so now would you?
Well anyway you want to call it this guy was an idiot . That era had alot of scammers/ dope sellers trying to keep in the surfing lifestyle. Met alot of these guys back in the seveties surfing Puerto Rico and Asia. They all thought they were above the fray. Most ended up in jail or dead. Probably the best thing about the commercialization of surfing. It allowed real talent to flourish buy paying them. I know alot guys of my era complain about it but it’s better than a bullet in the head at 27.
Drug dealing moron who got shot in the head at 27 in Harlem. Great accomplishment. You probably hold Dale Webster in high regard. The other thing he never won the Pipemasters. So get your facts right. Even if he did he was a dumb drug dealing idot. No repect for drug dealers. Seen to many lives destroyed because of it. I sure as hell don’t respect a guy because he won a surf contest especially a lame east coast comp. Was he a good surfer? Yes . But by his short life he demonstrated that he was probably believing his own press. What else did it demonstrate? Lack of character and good judgement. They tried to romanticize that bullshit back in those days and alot guys bought into it. I didn’t and I’m still surfing. Maybe not a pipemaster but I’m alive.
My name is David and I’m from LBI NJ. I remember RR from the 74 championships. I didn’t know him but I was about to. there were two friends of his from NY named Victor and Brian. I met them in Hawaii the winter of 76-7 and became friends. These guys were strict vegetarians and I was going to live with them the next winter Rasmusen was there the winter before and they told me Rassmusen was going to live with us as well. I shared the dream of charging big Pipeline with him.
What I was told was they kept their systems really clean though diet and they would travel to Brazil and buy drugs. then they would cut off surgical glove fingers stuff them with drugs and swallow them. This they would do every few months and live off the profits so they didn’t have to work. These guys were close friends of his so I am assuming this was true
I actually met and surfed (once) with Rick in Westhampton – shortly before his death. I still have a Rick Rasmussen 5′-8″ twin that I bought from him; it’s the exact same color scheme as the one he won the Nat’l Championship on. I had broken a fin on it and brought back to Rick to fix, but he died before fixing it so I a friend and I “let ourselves” into his shop (garage in Westhampton) to get the board back. Previously, Rick asked a friend and I to go on a surf trip to Mexico with him since my friend had use of his parent’s new Chevy Blazer. After he got shot, we knew why. He was a gifted surfer for sure. He road a small (maybe 5′-6″) twin with no stringer when we surfed. He could slide 360s without thinking – total balance. It’s too bad he let drugs take over.
Nice! You have photos of the board? Would love to see, Buggs
Then u obvioulsly aimt the nigga hes talking about. And if u did shoot rick fukk you u hoe. Dope feind ass bitchh
I grew up here. In 1970 Rick taught me to surf Ditch. I went to HS with DB and EH. All good friends. You weren’t there were you. It’s not a question.
I even hooked up with all 3 at Dillingham Airport north shore Oahu.
In 1978.
why doesn’t someone write the REAL story? drugs and all, good heart and all, complex personality and all
this was posted 6 years ago, are you really the same vincent d. mccall or are you a fake?