A jack-of-all-trades if ever there was one, Encinitas-based Bill Bahne has had an influential hand in just about every Action Sports movement in the past 40 years. Getting his start in shaping in the ’50s before foam and fiberglass had entered the picture; by the early ’60s Bahne Surfboards was a thriving business.
As the popularity of surfing grew, Bill identified the need for a removable fin system, prompting him to start Fins Unlimited in 1964. Both the surfboard and fin business treated him well, but hardly one to rest on his laurels, by the start of the ’70s Bill teamed up with friend Mike Doyle and the two introduced the snow world to an early incarnate of the snowboard called the “monoski.” It was also about this time that Bill and his brother Bob started up Bahne Skateboards, which quickly became the ride of choice for the quickly growing skate scene. – taken from “The Art of Shaping”
O- Original, R- Repaired, RF- Refurbished, Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Board Dimensions
Length: 5′ 10″
Width: 21″
Thickness: 2″ 3/4
Purchased this Old Twinnie experimental 70’s Bahne from Steve Collins . Since then I resold it to make room. Kind of regret selling it as for the time it was a significant point of transitional interest into fin / tail design and into skate moves in the water. As a kid I remember seeing these boards thinking, what the f—-! Ugly, looking non-functional and stayed away from experimenting with these. I wish I would of test rode the Bahne back in the day. Who knows what I truly want of thought. All original (o) 6.5/10

Steven Scarano
Oxider one
Timo Ferrantino
Timo Ferrantino
Grand National
Patrick Blakely
Lance Burkhart
Lance Burkhart
Lance Burkhart
Another Walker
Another Walker
Another Walker
Lance Burkhart
Cullen Barber
Grima Squeakersen
My first board was a Bahne… but I’m only 33. Bought it on some cheapo close out used in the early 90s. It was a thick single fin gun, but I grew up surfing Rhode Island! However it was HUGE and floated my 120lb self like a longboard. I was young and bought it because I could afford it. Gave it away to a friend of the family. Like all vintage boards—WISH I STILL HAD IT!
my first short board was a black and yellow 7ft 6in bahne surfboard i loved that board dont know why but i sold it every time im in a surf shop i check the used boards to see if i can find it
I just purchased a bahne longboard from the late 60s I believe. 10 footer. Great shape for its age.. Real solid. Nice tapered stringer work.
I have a bill bahne 10’3 balsa redwood tban ,#292b,shaped at bobby challengers in the early 60s for a comp rider craig black,awesome board,good cond.looking for buyer.
check my facebook timo ferrantino
I came in to possession of a Bahne surfboard in the late-’70s/early-’80s
and was hoping you could possible provide more information about it
(dates, features, etc.).
It is almost 2 feet wide in the middle and over 10 feet long. It has a removable fin.
From the PDFs online, it would appear it was made in 1968 or 1969 by the fact that
the insignia includes “la jolla”, but that is about all I can gather.
I can provide a compilation photo.
Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.
I have a Bahne 6’6 serial number 5607S and i was wondering if anyone could tell me about it.
Steve…it seems that I saw early snowboard designs at RC.s house , in the early 70’s ,which I thought involved you
I recently picked up a 10’6″ Bahne surfboard – wondering if anyone can tell me the age. Fiberglass with stringers but very old looking logo.
the shape and sticker is 1969- 70. If 6’6″, I suspect 1970, as few that size were made before winter 69-70.
The box is the right color (black & white the options), but we know that boxes with connections for leashes were not made until later – so it might either have been replaced, or a slightly later time.
The sticker argues against later, though.
Nothing 10 ft. was made after 67-EARLY 68. Bill began producing “Crystal Ships” , as the shortboard revolution finally took over in “68. Sticker design photo would help. It might have been ’66, but not ’65. You see a photo of plain circled “Bahne” from then, above.
Bill delivered some boards to the East Coast (along with another product or two) via driving a van there in 63-4.
I got your reply in my email about my question higher in the comments sections on the 10’6″ board and couldn’t find the reply here to respond but thank you so much or the information! I haven’t had a chance to surf the board yet, but it will live out the remainder of it years carving turns on the West Coast I’m sure. It looks like it will paddle fast and catch anything and as I’m 220 lbs I think it might be the perfect machine for my big frame. Thank you again for the info, I’m going to print it to keep it with the board! Hello,
My brothers and I recently came into possession of a very nice Bahne longboard recently. I’m wondering if anyone has any information on it? I am attaching some images, and thank you in advance.
-Cullen Barber
That looks very much like my “magic” Bahne from the very early 1970’s. Mine was the follow-on shape to the Hyson-designed rounded pin from 1969. A bit thicker than those boards, “S” rail that went “down” quickly and became very hard in the last 1/3 of the board, a “V” that began just behind the nose and remained very subtle, only really noticeable behind the fin, and a rounded diamond tail. I bought mine in 1970 from George Gerlach of Surfers Supplies, Ocean City, NJ. It was sold to me as a Bahne “Standard” although there was no model name shown on the board. I look at the Hynson design as a reaction to the original fat, wide, extreme “V” bottom boards of the early short board revolution (e.g., Conn Iron Butterfly), and for me, it went a little too far toward being a purely “finesse” board. The Bahne I had (7’6″; I was about 200 lbs) brought back the “V” in a more subtle way, and added some other design elements. It was *very* drivy off the bottom of a steep wave, but also dealt well with typical East Coast slop. I don’t know if Hynson had a hand in its design, or wherther it might have been from Steve Moret, or someone else. Unfortunately, I had to abandon it in an apartment I owed a lot of back rent on. Hey, I was 20, it was the 70’s, and sh^t happened I’d love to buy another example if afforded the opportunity.