Gerry Lopez
Throughout history no other surf spot in the world has had the capacity to make and break reputations like The Pipeline. Only a handful of surfers have been identified with Pipeline and among them, Gerry Lopez was the original master. Lopez rode the wave like nobody else before him, or since. He surfed it with an uncanny sense of timing, perfect positioning and a style so casual it might have appeared to mock the wave’s awesome power. But there was no such arrogance in Lopez’s approach to Pipeline’s fury. He was so perfectly in-sync with the wave’s unique nature that he appeared to be part of its heaving, hollow environment. Lopez’s untouchable mastery at the fearsome spot made him a surfing legend revered all over the world. But there was so much more to Gerry Lopez than just being an incredible surfer. As charismatic, intelligent and intuitive on land as he was in the waves, Lopez embarked on a career in the sport that is equally unique in surfing’s history. He launched a surfboard and clothing label that was so successful it became a model for an entire industry. He explored new surfing areas in the jungles of Indonesia, acted in Hollywood movies and pushed the limits of performance snowboarding, and even in his late-40s, tow-in big wave surfing on Maui’s outer reefs. Today, Lopez lives far from the long lenses of the surfing media, in Bend, Oregon, with his wife Toni and son, Alex. Snowboarding has become a passion for both father and son, and Gerry is now applying his talents as a craftsman to making snowboards. His surfboards also remain in high demand.
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KEY: O= Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 8′ 0″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
Another Pipeline classic handshaped replica Lopez finished in 2000. Signed by Gerry Lopez. This design was the first template Gerry created specifically for Pipeline. If he is still shaping them today, it proves that this template is a winner!
O -10/10

Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 3″ 1/8

Length: 7′ 5″
Width: 19″ 1/4
Thickness: 2″ 3/4
The era has died but the shape will live on. This is a handshaped board recreated in 2000 to replicate Lopez’s signature Pipeline gun. Signed by Gerry Lopez. Taken out of the collection of Billabong’s Paul Naude.
O – 10/10

Length: 7′ 4″
Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″ 3/4
This is a diamond tail, mini-gun, handshaped in the mid 1970’s. The top has an intriquite black pinline outlining the rails with a red tint wrapping the rails from bottom to top. This is a board with a lot of volume and a flatter design.
O – 8/10

Length: 7′ 2″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
This stinger, swallow tail, single fin shape was made in the early 1970’s for Lightning Bolt. The strong red resin color makes the large lightning bolt logo pop on the top as well as the large white logo on bottom. This board has soft rails throughout with a flat bottom and no vee.
O – 6/10

Length: 7′ 2″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
This is a model from the mid 1970’s. It is a handshaped diamond tail design with the trademark thick, bold lightning bolt logo overlaid with white pinlines. The shape does not have much vee in the bottom and has no concave. The nose rocker is flat and suttle as the soft rails taper gradually.
O – 8/10

Length: 7′ 1″
Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″ 7/8
This is a 1978 diamond tail handshaped design. This board has a simple design with a lot of volume in the mid-upper section of the board. There is a slight blue tint accompanying the many lightning bolt logos of various sizes on top and bottom.
O -8/10

Length: 7′ 0″
Width: 18″
Thickness: 2″ 1/4
This old Hansen thumbtail surfboard was shaped by Gerry in the 1960’s. A very well preserved shape, this rare item shimmers with a bright green deck and rails. This is an all original from an era that will never be forgotten.
O – 8/10

Length: 6′ 11″
Width: 20″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
A rare board from the 1970’s, this Lopez pintail was serial number 150. It has the very original Lightning Bolt laminate, as well as Gerry’s signature bolt laminate. The very yellow deck has a thin orange pinline outlining the rails. This board was shaped for Pipeline with the trademark narrow design.
O – 7/10

Length: 6′ 11″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 1/4
This board is an older, rare handshaped piece for Lightning Bolt, Maui. The top is tinted with a dull yellow which meets a thin white pinline that outlines the rails. The bottom is covered with a bold orange which slightly wraps the rails to the front, and has thick black pinlines outlining the rails from nose to tail. This is a unique board and is also signed by Lopez.
O, RF – 9/10

Length: 6′ 10″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 2″ 3/4

Length: 6′ 9″
Width: 19″ 3/4
Thickness: 2″ 3/8
This board was shaped in 1978 and is a good example of a typical model that was ridden by Gerry himself. A classic Pipeline design, this shape has traits of a knifey, pulled in, mini gun. The green tint on bottom slightly wraps the rails meeting a thin black pinline on top. There is no evidence of any sort of leash plug, a common design when Lopez knew the board would be ridden at big Pipe.
O – 8/10

Length: 6′ 9″
Width: 19″ 7/8
Thickness: 3″ 1/4

Length: 6′ 8″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 2″ 3/4

Length: 6′ 7″
Width: 20″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 3/8
This 1979 swallow tail single fin was shaped during the experimental shortboard revolution. The classic thick, bold lightning bolt logo is slapped on the slightly weathered deck. The swallow tail design was a popular small wave board in the late 70’s. This board has a slight vee bottom and little to no concave.
O,R – 6/10

Length: 6′ 6″
Width: 21″ 1/4
Thickness: 3″ 1/8
This is the oldest shape in the Lopez set, it is a late 1960’s Gerry Lopez diamond tail design for Hansen Surfboards. This shape was commonly made during the start of the short board revolution. The top is clear resin with a tear drop tint of yellow and green inlayed with a blue pinline. It has a very flat bottom with no vee, and the rails start soft at top and taper into hard edged rails. The deck is thick and semi domed.
O – 8/10

Length: 6′ 5″
Width: 19″ 1/2
Thickness: 3″
A clean stinger swallow tail, Lopez hand shaped this design in 1980. A board created over 20 years ago, however it was rarely ridden. The large red bolt on top is outlined in a thin black pinline and this board is signed by Lopez on the bottom. It is a great new shape and template for the era.
O – 8/10

Length: 6′ 3″
Width: 19″
Thickness: 2″ 3/8
This is a beautiful original, hand shaped, diamond tail single fin that Lopez shaped in the mid 1970’s. Vibrant green and orange contrast the thick black pinlines outlining the board. It has soft rails, a slight vee bottom and nose rocker. Timeless Lopez signature under the glass with double large lighting bolts on front and back. A true piece of history.
O, R – 8/10

Ed Tree
mark from aussie
john Moon
Charlie Beckwith
Kevin Neal
- Buggs
Ryan Nolan
Johnny Aguilar
Buggs At SurfboardLine
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Bill Jordan
Hi Buggs.
Always luv checking your site!!!
I’m the guy in Oz with the G Lopez diamond tail that he crafted for his buddy ‘Big Roy Mesker’ back in ’73 or ’74. You have the pix.
Thought I’d let you know that I was able to dodge my debts by selling a couple of other boards so no longer have to let her go!
Do have a question though, if you have the time? have you ever seen any boards shaped by Jack Shipley? and is that him on a diamond tail at Maalaea in the film ‘Island Magic’?
Thanks Buggs
P.s I also own a 7’2″ rounded pin-tail bolt by Uncle Barry Kanaiaupuni which I ride when surf is over 5ft. Total Fun 😀
i have a board that was passed down from a friends dad and it has both gerry lopez and reno abellira’s initials on the back and not sure if it is legit. how do i find out?
hi bugs ,any of the hansens for sale or lopez,if not can you find one for me thanks mark
hey is that 7’7 lightning bolt board for sale?
hey sorry just thought i would specify a little more lol. the board that is kinda beat up and the first board on the page
For sale at $2500 plus shipping, it is the Real Deal, Hand Shaped by Lopez. Not a model. Advise if interested at
I am wondering what this board is worth
I’m looking for an authentic Lightning Bolt, preferably a Lopez. Any for sale?
I have a Gerry Lopez Lightning Bolt 6’6″ slight winger rounded pin single glassed fin, It is typical LB red with bright yellow LB with black shadow down the stringer.Ref,No, 7506-05 on lower deck. This board reportedly arrived in Whangarei,Northland, New Zealand in the mid seventies aboard a private yacht direct from Hawai’i. It then sat under a house in Whangarei for many years!!!. It was my 50th birthday present and is not for sale – sorry. Any helpful information on the history of this board would be most appreciated, Thanks.
Hey great boards!!!
The bolt must be one of the most BS’d about sticks there is
I had some surf shop owner in Cali swear that the boards with that ‘Gerry Lopez’ decal near the bolt are all fakes made on the mainland subsequently my one which is like that was shown to mr Lopez by a friend at Patagonia and he said he remembered shaping that board because it was for a buddy of his. He was even specific about the year and that it was shaped at the shop on Oahu.
Next it was said that the boards with ‘A Pure Source’ on the deck also are fakes! You can see a pix of Mr Lopez signing one of these to say he dis shape it on the Patagonia blog.
So what is it with some ppl. Jealousy. The need to seem knowledgable.? Who knows. The only thing I can say for sure is the only way I would let mine go would be to help pay for a life saving operation for someone special. Anyone who truly has a surfers spirit will know what I mean when I say the feeling I get paddling this into a clean 6ft wave is really something ^_^
I have a 6’6″ 1979 Yellow ‘Lopez’ with a red Lightning Bolt on it :)) I’ve had it 19 years now . Got it thru a buddy when I was working at a Surf Shop years ago ..
I wouldn’t sell it no matter what the offer 😉
It’s here with me on Kaua’i safe and sound ! Aloha ~
Hi I’m curious as to why some of the signatures look different?
Any answers would be much appreciated
Mike,I am wondering if you are still interested in a Jerry Lopez bolt. I bought mine in 1977 I believe it’s a 6’10 swallow red white with blue lightening bolt. If so my email
Can u send me photos
Or 310877 6932 cell
I have a Gerry Lopez Black Lightning Bolt surfboard for sale
Can u send me pics to my phone 310 8776932 price ?
Gerry lopez for sale 6´
Send me pics at 3108776932 buggs
I had a chuck vinson
Rockfin pintail
Inserted a battery pak for shark repellent
Vince Collier has died
Watsonville is now texas
Need session critically. People want to kill me
Mirrors album boc
Pat Travers
Echo beach
Those are people who died
Had a longboard
Dont likeem