Larry Bertlemann
One of surfing’s high performance pioneers, Larry Bertlemann became one of the sport’s biggest influences. Born on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1955, he moved to Oahu at age 11 and surfed at Queens off Waikiki. One day he broke his 9’6 and tried glassing the fin to the front half of the board but had trouble getting it to stay. A guy walked up to show him how to do it properly and that guy turned to be Donald Takayama. From that very day he mindset changed on what types of surfboards could be ridden (longboards were the norm in the 60’s) and he would also work with Ben Aipa who began shaping shorter, wider, and faster twin fins, swallow tails, and stinger designs.
The new shorter designs allowed Bertlemann to surf faster and begin experimenting with radical maneuvers and would change surfing forever. Larry became one of the most popular and highest paid surfers during the 1970’s signing endorsement deals with soft drink and airline companies.
Larry first shaped his surfboard when he was 19 and has been most influenced by Ben Aipa. He firmly believes in hand shaping all of his boards and feels that there will always be a market for the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into a hand built surfboard. You can still order his famous twin fin design he used from his surfing hey day as well as retro shortboards, swallow tail thrusters, and quad models.
KEY: O= Original, R= Repaired, RF= Refurbished. Condition of board rated: 1(worst)-10(best)

Length: 9′ 5″
Width: 20″ 1/4
Thickness: 3″ 1/2
Bert Hawaii Gun! 2009. I had Larry make this for me with and old school Brewer fin. Classic LB Ying Yang air brush with Bert Lams and rare Duke Lams. Won’t see these anywhere else. (o) 10

Length: 8′ 8″
Width: 20″ 1/4
Thickness: 3″ 1/2
Well, Well What do we have here! This is LB’s Winning 1974 Duke Surfboard he personally road. Even though it has been professionally restored by Randy Rarrick to its original condition, this is a piece of history frozen in time. LB and Aipa worked on this board together, (see LB Interview) to make it a special surfboard especially for LB to turn and burn the competition. LB’s personal 1970’s Flex Fin is also a piece of workmanship. Watch the Video and learn! (R) 10 Acquired thru Randy R’s Auction. 2007.

Length: 8′ 1″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 3″
Another 2009 LB Hawaiian Mini-Gun. LB shaped and designed this surfboard for Sunset. A little fatin the hips but a lot of volume with the fin box placed up compared to the traditional board made back in the day. Instead of riding on the tail, LB was all about center of the board and low center of gravity with power turns. LB and Duke Lams. I have yet to take this in the water, but intend to ride it at Sunset one day. (o) 10

Length: 7′ 4″
Width: 22″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
Well, Another Personal LB Rider that LB designed and shaped. This was LB’s Town Rider. For those small playfull waves at Big Rights, Bowls etc.. Note the Snow Man and Stickman airbrush. Orginal, Symbol of the times if you know what I mean. Also note the center fin box that LB used a small keel fin for stability in noseriding . This peice of history has been restored to it’s original condition by Randy Rarrick. See Interview w LB on further details. Hawaiian Expressions was another chapter of LB’s Shaping career. (R) 10

Length: 6′ 8″
Width: 20″ 1/4
Thickness: 3″
Cool 1970’s LB Design and Shape Pintail. Deck has been restored by Randy Rarrick, otherwise all original. Great example of the colors and designs of LB. (R) 8.5

Length: 6′ 8″
Width: 19″ 7/8
Thickness: 2″ 3/4
This is the only HOT LIPS – LB I have ever come across. You? It has been worked on, but still a rare find. A Smiley Dan pick-up. Hot Lips was part of the Mike Purpus era of bright wet suits, flashy boards and girls. This pintail template most likely was a mini california gun in someone’s quiver. The deck looks all original with some type of pigment work done on the bottom. Original LB and Hot Lips lams. Fin’s Unlimited skag box. Bertlemann and Purpus teamed up on the Expression Label prior to Hot Lips as I recall. LB looked at this board when he visited SBL Headquarters and said it was a fraud. Whatever that means. I think he had a falling out with the Hot Lips crew. One day I will get the real story. (r) 8

Length: 6′ 4″
Width: 19″ 1/4
Thickness: 2″ 7/8
This is a rare find. A 1970’s Hawaiian Expressions Handshaped Bertlemann, initialed by LB with the Classic Swallow Flute Tail LB Mastered and still shapes today. All original with the original fin that LB would leave loose for flex and pivit in turning. Also, the airbrush was LB’s Signature Design in the early days. A True Classic! Acquired from Marcus Collection, may he R.I.P. (o) 7.5

Length: 6′ 4″
Width: 20″ 3/8
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
Another rare handshaped LB surfboard from his long shaping career. 1980’s Hawaiian Surf (Freddy P’s Dad’s Surf Lable). Twinnie. I rode this board at small sunset and it turns on a dime and has drive. Unique LB Lam and fin design. A true classic and gem to have! All original Hawaiian Craigs List Purchase. (o) 8

Length: 6′ 3″
Width: 21″ 1/8
Thickness: 2″ 1/2
Early 1970’s LB Design Twinnie. All red pigment with the classic LB Template. Unknown who shaped this board. Unknown if those fins are original. Acquired this from Jim W, Surfin Hula at the beginning of my collection hording. Paid to much and dumped more $ into it. Like a money pit. Recently traded it to Cash Jack on a Bolt Trade. Cool piece, still draws me in, you? (7.5)

Length: 6′ 2″
Width: 20″ 3/8
Thickness: 3″
Another 1970’s All original LB Twinnie. I acquired this out of OZ EBay. They were making these out of OZ. I have no idea who was shaping them. If someone knows, please advise. The classic LB Pepsi Airbrush and “Anything is Possible” Lams. Some ding repairs have been completed, otherwise all original. Cool Vintage LB Piece . (o) 7.5

Length: 6′ 2″
Width: 20″ 3/4
Thickness: 3″
A Cash Jack Trade LB Takayama Shape T&C Twinnie. 1970’s. Cool Race Car influence airbrush designed by LB. Multiple LB and T&C Lams, rare fin system. Donald’s Intials in the glass. All original, needs some tail work. (o) 7.5

Length: 6′ 2″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
This LB Beauty was acquired out of OZ as well thru a board collector – Rob. Unknown who shaped it. I just love the airbrush design on this Twinnie. Coooooooooooooooolllllllllllll! All original and a true Classic! (o) 8.5

Length: 6′ 1″
Width: 20″ 1/4
Thickness: 2″ 7/8
Another Vintage LB Twinnie. Cash Jack Board Trade. All original, unknown shaper. Classic Pepsi Colors. Signature LB Twinnie template. (o) 7.5

Length: 6′ 0″
Width: 20″ 1/4
Thickness: 2″ 1/8
The classic LB Twinnie with tail flutes. This replica was handshaped by LB in Hawaii and Glassed in Hawaii. Rasta airbrush color scheme. (o) 10

Length: 6′ 0″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 2″ 7/8
The classic Pepsi LB Signature Twin Fin. Handshaped by Larry 2009 in Hawaii. Airbrush and Glassed by Randy Rarrick. Cool Board to have in the LB Collection. What do you think? (o) 10

Length: 5′ 9″
Width: 20″
Thickness: 2″ 1/4
Another LB “Anything Is Possible” out of Oz. This twin fin needs some work on the tail and some preasure dents, but over all a unique board. I like the airbrush and the design template. Funky hip pump at the tail. What do you think? (o) 7.5

Length: 5′ 10″
Width: 20″ 1/2
Thickness: 2″ 5/8
This is Larry’s latest and greatest. This board is a one off and designed and handshaped by Larry in China. This is one of a few boards that China used as a model for all others to follow. I have been meaning to ride this 5 fin beauty. This board is so lite and feels so good under the arm. All aspects of this board are so beautiful, I am to afraid to take it into the water. Epoxy technology glassing, so clean you can eat off it. Dam, I never thought the chinese could ever produce such a quality product. Amazing! One needs to see this board. True Master Piece. (o) 10++ Thank You Larry for this one. Larry Calls this the BMW Model.

Sister board to the BMW above. See above Rebel Video, Board featured. Again, another one off handshaped by Larry in China. The only one handshaped by Larry in this world. Beautiful and awe struck on the craftsmanship and color work. Funny story behind this board. Blog me and I will tell all. What can I say, this is a collector item I could not pass on. (o) 10+++

Camilo Roldán
have you had any luck with who shaped the boards out of OZ.
I also have one and i am curious.
No, I do not, but, Randy Rarrick out of Hawaii may. I would like to see what you have, please post up on the website, ” Show Us Your Quiver” or email me at – Buggs
Just wandering if you have evar came across a shaper named Glenn dechamps..i was just trying to find him……
Every surfer today should know that Larry Bertleman revolutionized modern day surfing with the introduction of the Hawaiian expression. Mahalos Larry
Hey Buggs
How are you doing I love your collection , I noticed that your a big Larry
Bertlemann fan , Yea me too . He was a big influence on me when I started
surfing . I wanted to ask you if larry has a web-site because i would love
to get a board from him, the five fin that larry shaped you looks amazing
have you rode it yet? If you can i know your really busy guy but could you
give info on his web-site thank you
Hello everyone,
I would like to introduce you to the world’s first, The Original Adjustable Wing Twin Fin.
You can see it here:
Thank you
I have an old LB Fish that is purple and white with glassed in fins (2). It is 6’8″ and it looks like the foam was tinted before it was glassed. I can’t ride the darned thing because of a medical issue so it is sitting in my garage collecting dust.
are you selling this?
can email me